
Cusco to Shintuya - Manu National Park (Cultural Area)

Journey from Cusco to the Heart of the Jungle - Explore Manu National Park!

Begin a fascinating adventure that will take you from the Andean heights to the depths of the Amazon rainforest. This 4-day journey offers an authentic experience of both cultural and natural wonders, starting with a visit to the ancient tombs of Ninamarca, continuing through the mystical cloud forests, and culminating in the pristine wilderness of Manu National Park.

You will immerse yourself in the traditions of the Harakbut people, discover hidden waterfalls, witness the vibrant wildlife at the Parrot Salt Lick, and even engage in traditional fishing. Let the beauty of the jungle unfold before you as you explore this unique part of Peru, rich in biodiversity and indigenous culture.




4 Days / 3 Nights



Tour Type

Tour Details

Places to visit

Shintuya, Manu

Starting point

Cusco (tour begins)


Cusco - Shintuya

After breakfast, approximately 6:30 am, we will pick you up from your hotel by transport. Our first stop is the Chulpas or tombs of Ninamarca (3600 m), which date back to pre-Inca times. Then we continue our journey to Paucartambo village (2900) where we make a short stop. From Paucartambo we continue, the road goes up, we will reach Ajanaco (3560 m) where the Manu National Park (cultural area) begins; from there we drive down, first through the dwarf forest; then we will find ourselves in a cloud forest; There we will make a stop and a short hike to the place where it is possible to see the cock of the rock (gallito de las rocas), our national bird. We will also see different types of trees, orchids, ferns, heliconias, etc. Afterwards, we continue until we reach Pilcopata (560 m), village where we will have lunch.

After lunch, we drive to Atalaya, where we meet our local guide from the Shintuya community, from the Harakbut tribe.

From Atalaya we take the boat down the Alto Madre de Dios river, we are in the jungle, in about an hour we reach the village of Shintuya (420 m), we can already feel the warmth and humidity of this region, our accommodation is in Shintuya.

At night we have a hike where we may see insects, spiders, amphibians, nocturnal animals and reptiles.

Shintuya - Aguas Calientes - Shintuya

After breakfast we take our boat towards Aguas Calientes, the journey takes about 10 minutes. Then we will take a hike to the waterfalls, in this route our guide from the Shintuya village community of the Harakbut tribe will share with us her knowledge of medicinal and other plants.

We then return to Aguas Calientes to bathe in the warm springs before lunch.

In the afternoon we continue to Shintuya, where our local guide will tell us about the myths, beliefs and customs of his village.

Shintuya - Parrot Salt Lick - Serjali River - Fish Catch - Shintuya

At about 5:00 a.m. our transport will take us to the Parrot Salt Lick, where we will see several varieties of these birds; then the traditional fishing; We can also swim in the crystal clear waters of Serjali River.

After dinner our guide tells us the Harakbut stories.

Shintuya to Cusco

On this day we will not get up very early, during breakfast we will say goodbye to our guide from Shintuya Village; then travel to Cusco with our transport.

Tour includes

  • Profesional guide in English language. He will be the translator for our native community guide.
  • Transportation from Cusco to Atalaya, from Shintuya to the Parrot Salt Lick (Colpa de Loros) and from Shintuya to Cusco.
  • Transportation by boat from Atalaya to Shintuya, from Shintuya to Aguas Calientes and from Aguas Calientes to Shintuya
  • Life jacket in the boat.
  • Rubber boots
  • Antivenom serum
  • Food, also with vegetarian option:
  • Day 1, lunch and dinner; Day 2, breakfast, lunch and dinner; Day 3, breakfast, lunch and dinner; Day 4, breakfast and lunch.
  • 3 nights in accommodation in Shintuya
  • Water
  • Entrance to Manu National Park.
  • Entrance to the place where you can see the cock of the rock (gallito de las rocas)
  • Entrance for the parrot salt lick (Colpa de Loros)
  • Entrance to the baths in Aguas Calientes

Not included

  • Breakfast in day 1
  • Other drinks such as soft drinks and alcoholic drinks
  • Travel insurance

Recommendations (What to take)

  • Take your passport with you.
  • Yellow fever vaccination
  • Drug against malaria
  • Headlamp
  • Bottle for water
  • Binoculars
  • Battery charger for electronic devices.
  • Thick and long socks (for the rubber boots)
  • Rainwear
  • Personal hygiene supplies.
  • Ziplock pockets to protect electronic devices and other items from moisture.
  • Dark or well-camouflaged clothing so as not to scare away the animals you are observing
  • Insect repellent with at least 25% DEET.
  • Warm clothing and clothing for hot weather, long sleeve t-shirts (3) t-shirts (3). Swimwear, flip flops. Short and long pants
  • Sun hat, sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Backpack for all your belongings and daypack for trips
  • Photo camera
  • Extra money

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